During the construction phase, our greatest concern is for the safety, security and comfort of our customer. This is essentially done by a coordinated execution of the script.

Pre-construction planning is key for a well performed project. A kitchen remodel, for example may include a designated temporary kitchen for the homeowners to use during construction. If it is an intrusive addition, the adjacent portions of the house are carefully protected from the elements.

Communication is very important during this chaotic and emotional time. We do our best to notify our customer and the neighbors of potentially disruptive noise, dust, parking constraints and other construction-related disruptions.

Mid-project meetings may be scheduled as the script allows.

For most performances, a professional cleaning crew is employed to dust, vacuum and clean the work area and adjacent rooms.


Change orders are greatly reduced by planning all the details before production begins. We refer to a change order as Production Edit.

Production edits are prepared in writing for approval before they are considered part of the production. Each edit is numbered, dated and includes its own scope of work and relative cost.

Mid-performance edits are costly and disruptive. We do our best to include as much of the foreseeable construction scope as possible during the design phase, but occasionally the customer will request additional work after the script is executed. Not all edits are customer-driven. Sometimes the structure requires an upgrade to comply with building codes, or some other deficiency is hidden within the walls.

At the completion of the construction phase, the edits are considered part of the scripted performance.

Michael Tenhulzen